16th October 17
Boys in Year 4 had their thinking and problem solving skills challenged by Workshops At Schools Ltd, who have created a unique selection enlarged puzzles specifically for use by groups within a school setting.
Year 5 boys took part in a Smallpeice Trust Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) day at school. STEM days provide introductory sessions to enhance students’ understanding of, and aptitude for, problem solving, creativity, design and engineering. During the day boys were challenged to design and build a crash proof vehicle. Subjects covered will include aerodynamics, forces, health and safety and weight distribution.
Year 6 boys took part in a series of African drumming and dance workshops hosted by Wise Moves. Starting with simple rhythms and basic dance steps, the boys progressed to more challenging pieces, finally learning a set piece for each activity. The day culminated with a performance to parents in the theatre.
Year 7 boys took part in a one-day leadership course at school hosted by Schoolcamp Ltd and involved physical and skill-based challenges as part of an entrepreneurial group-based project. The boys explored leadership qualities throughout the day.
Year 8 boys took part in a Smallpeice Trust Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) day at school. STEM days provide introductory sessions to enhance students’ understanding of, and aptitude for, problem solving, creativity, design and engineering. The boys worked together in small groups on a “Speaker” project which challenged them design and construct a speaker that can amplify sound produced by a mobile phone or MP3 player. Topics covered include amplification and sound, creative design, electrical circuits and soldering.