School Travel Plan

We are proud to hold Gold status award by the STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible Safe) programme. This award recognises our achievement and commitment to road safety, reducing car use and encouraging increased levels of active travel and use of public transport for the journey to and from school. STARS is TfL’s accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries. STARS inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling.

STARS supports pupils’ wellbeing, helps to reduce congestion at the school gates and improve road safety and air quality.

By developing and implementing our School Travel Plan, we encourage pupils to adopt a healthy lifestyle, give them the skills and confidence to travel safely and help them understand how their actions will make a positive contribution to the future of our environment.


Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our Open Morning

Tuesday 24th September at 9.30am

Register your place today.
