Two girls and a boy in their grey school uniform are sitting in a classroom. They are all smiling and have made constructions from interlocking colourful plastics
Two schoolboys in The Mall School uniform, are building a mini circuit in the Science lab
boys playing chess
Boy in The Mall School uniform is in the Theatre playing a violin


At The Mall we offer an exciting range of opportunities for pupils outside of the classroom.

We offer wraparound care from 7.30am through to 6.00pm. Pupils can have their breakfast at school and take part in a rich offering of after school clubs and activities or join our after school care or homework clubs.

After school clubs on offer include judo, chess, cookery, basketball, music technology and swimming. Lunchtime clubs include a variety of orchestral and ensemble music groups and debating.

Pupils attend an annual residential trip from Year 3.

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Register your place today