We are delighted to announce that following the recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection, The Mall has been given the highest grading possible in all areas for the quality of education it provides.
In addition to meeting every point in the Regulatory Compliance Inspection, the Educational Quality Inspection gave the school the highest possible rating of ‘Excellent’ in the two key areas assessed – the quality of pupils’ achievements, and, the quality of pupils’ personal development.
During their four days at the school the inspectors’ key findings included:
In making their judgements, the inspection team met with staff and boys, surveyed current parents and visited a range of lessons across all year groups.
Our Headmaster congratulated the whole school community: “I would like to extend my thanks to the excellent staff at The Mall for their ongoing commitment to giving all the pupils the best possible experience, and also to the boys and their parents for being part of such a fantastic and supportive community, all of which has contributed to achieving this outstanding inspection outcome.”
To read the full report please click on the link below.