Girl with two plaits is using a colourful abacus to count
Boy wearing glasses, writing in his schoolbook with a black and yellow pencil
Older boy pupil with younger girl, both in the library reading a colourful book

School Life in Lockdown

We are committed to maintaining our sense of community during periods of lockdown. In the summer term 2020 we set boys various challenges to become Magnificent or Mini Mallians and we will be continuing this into 2021.

We always enjoy seeing what the boys are up to at home and share what our key worker and vulnerable boys are doing in school. Even when we were all back in school for the autumn term 2020 there were things we still had to do virtually, including concerts. Keep scrolling to discover what school is like during lockdown.

March 2021- World Book Day 

This year the boys in Reception and Year 1 were asked to draw a picture of their favourite character from a book. Some boys chose to make a video explaining who their favourite character is!

Year 2-Year 6 were asked to create their own ‘activity’ short story or page. They could design an adventure about a character and get readers to solve puzzles, or create a puzzle page based on a favourite book. The entries were very entertaining!

Watch the video below to view a compilation of our winners.

March 2021- Year 3 Artwork

3W were set a half term project to find different ways of representing a letter or word either at home or outside, using the environment. The boys came up with some amazing ideas!

February 2021- 8-Bit Art

This week, the boys in Year 5 have been getting creative, using Microsoft Excel to make their own 8-Bit Art.  Scroll through the gallery below to take a closer look at their work.

February 2021- Mental Well-being

In PSHE, our first few lessons this term have focused on well-being. As an optional task, we asked the boys in Year 6 to create a poster or presentation giving advice on how people can look after their mental health. Here is one from Aarav, in Year 6.

February 2021- Safer Internet Day

As part of Safer Internet Day, the boys are looking at this year’s theme, “exploring reliability in the online world”, in their PSHE lessons. They have also watched an assembly from ‘Safer Internet Day‘.

Take a look at the video below to see some of the top tips from the Year 5 and 6 boys.

February 2021- Science

Year 4 have been looking at batteries as part of their electricity work. Here, William is explaining how a potato clock works.

January 2021- Book Review Challenge

The boys of The Mall were challenged to send in a 30 second video, giving a review of their favourite book.  With entries from Reception to Year 6, we have created a short compilation for you to enjoy.

January 2021- Art Work

The boys at the Mall have been showcasing their artistic skills and wonderful creativity, through submitting their artwork from home.  Take a look below to see some of our favourites.

January 2021- Reception

Reception have completed some lovely work. Here are a few examples: William wrote some awesome penguin facts; Teddy ordered the days of the week on his Hungry Caterpillar; Frederick wrote a super descriptive sentence.


January 2021- PE

The Mall boys have taken to virtual PE lessons straight away.  Well done to all the boys for making it fun to teach.

October 2020- Writing Competition

Before half term, all boys in Years 1 to 6 were invited to take part in a school writing competition.  They were asked to write reflectively, and in any style, about this year 2020.  The responses from the boys were poignant, original and heart-warming and Mr Price was very impressed with the level of maturity displayed by our boys when writing about what has been a very challenging time.

Every boy received two credits for entering and the winners will receive HMCs. The winners are:

Year 1 | Anand Roy                                Read Here

Year 2 | Kiyotaka Shepherdson         Read Here

Year 3 | Xander Dunkerley                  Read Here

Year 4 | Vairaj Mehta                            Read Here

Year 5 | Sebastian Tullett                    Read Here

Year 6 | Alexander Laing                     Read Here /And Here

Autumn 2020- Confidence in Communication Recital

We are delighted to present a recital by our Confidence in Communication (CiC) pupils. Each boy in the recital has a weekly lesson with a teacher from Liz Mance Productions at our school. We have been hosting CiC lessons for the past two years and work closely with Liz Mance to incorporate the extra lesson with daily school life. The lessons are currently being taught online as they were in the Spring/Summer 2020 Lockdown. Teachers and parents notice the boys using a variety of speaking skills at school and home that they learn about in their CiC lessons. The lessons are an excellent tool to prepare your son for senior school interviews and the next steps he will take in his school and social life.

Please feel free to contact Liz Mance via email if you are interested in your son joining the CiC waiting list:

Summer 2020- Junk Model Challenge

In Summer 2020, our Mini Mallians showed off their creativity, both from home and in school, with their entries into our Junk Model Challenge.

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Register your place today