Happy group of schoolboys standing in the school corridor near their pegs. They're wearing The Mall School uniform

Future Schools

11+ Results 2024

Progress and academic outcomes

As a non-selective school for entry into Reception, we are very proud of the progress and academic achievement and outcomes of all our pupils when they leave at the end of Year 6. We regularly assess pupils to monitor their progress and our latest standardised data shows that 75% of Year 6 are in the top 25% nationally for reading (with 50% in the top 10%). In maths, 75% are in the top 15% nationally with 50% in the top 2%.

11+ destinations

In 2024 our Year 6 pupils achieved a fantastic set of 11+ results.  Over 80% of pupils received at least two senior school/grammar school offers with more than half of pupils offered places at three or more schools. 25% of pupils sitting independent senior school exams have been awarded academic, music or sports scholarships from 12 schools including: City of London, Epsom College, Halliford, Hampton, King’s College School Wimbledon, Reed’s School and St James School. Year 6 pupils received offers from 24 independent senior schools and 4 state grammar schools.  They will take up places at 15 different schools.

We are a non-selective school for children who join in Reception. Pupils make exceptional progress during their time at the school and nearly half of 2024 Year 6 pupils who joined the school at age 4 have been offered places at highly academically selective schools.

11+ Exam Preparation

The Mall has an enviable track record in preparing pupils for successful entry to senior schools in the highly competitive London market. Despite being non-selective at Reception, we are consistently getting pupils into a range of highly academically selective senior schools including state grammar schools. In 2024, 40% of Year 6 were offered places at highly academically selective schools including KCS Wimbledon, Hampton, Kingston Grammar School, St Paul’s, Latymer Upper, Tiffin and Queen Elizabeth Barnet. Across the five year period of 2020-2024 this figure has averaged at 43%.

However, there is no such thing as the right school, only the right school for the individual child. Not every child is going to be highly academic and as a school we work with parents to identify the right school for them. We aim to prepare pupils academically and socially so they can move on confidently at the age of 11 to their next school and where they will flourish.  Other popular choices of senior schools include: Halliford, Epsom College, Reed’s School, St George’s, Kew House and St James.

As an independent prep school, The Mall has no affiliation to specific senior schools so pupils can continue to a wide range of destinations suited not only to their academic profile but also offering opportunities for them to further develop skills and interests they have enjoyed at The Mall and discover new ones.

To support you in this process the Head meets all parents individually from Year 4 to discuss senior school options and there are a series of future schools events where parents are informed about the process and what the school does to support them and their children.  We also run an annual senior school fair in the spring term where parents can meet admissions and senior staff from a wide range of independent senior schools.

The school subscribes to websites to help pupils prepare for 11+ exams on paper and on screen. We encourage regular use of online revision to help support pupils with reading on screen and navigating computer systems similar to the ones used in 11+ exams. In the autumn term of Year 6 we arrange for every child in the year group to have a practice school interview, in person and virtually. This is an encouraging and fun experience and helps them to prepare for the experience of senior school interviews.

Parents value the support and guidance they and their children receive from the school throughout the 11+ process.

“Choosing between the school offers has been a very difficult decision for us as we felt that all the schools that our child got offers from, are excellent. We consulted the Headmaster several times and his guidance made it much easier for us to make the final decision.”

“We’re extremely proud of our child’s 11+ successes, and while choosing between several high-calibre senior schools was challenging, The Mall provided ample guidance to make an informed decision. This went beyond academics, assisting us in considering our child’s overall fit to each school in terms of both personal and academic development.”

“The teachers helped prepare our son very well for the exams and interview process, and with no additional tutoring, he achieved an academic scholarship at his new senior school.”

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Register your place today