boys running
Girl in a swimming pool, She's wearing cat-eye style pink google and a Mall School swimming cap


We offer pupils lots of opportunities to play a range of sports where we focus on their performance, styles of play and teamwork.

In Reception and Year 1, children have a weekly PE lesson with a specialist sports teacher where they begin to develop the basic skills they need to play team games when they move into Year 2.

In Year 2 pupils have a weekly games afternoon in addition to their swimming and PE lessons.

In Years 3 and above pupils spend two afternoons at the Sunbury Cricket Club sports facilities. Our main sports are football, rugby and cricket, and all pupils represent the school in competitive fixtures against other schools. In each match one player is recognised as Player of the Match and receives a Headmaster’s Commendation in recognition of this achievement.

Pupils in Year 3 and above also have one PE lesson each week in our purpose built sports hall. During these lessons children will cover a variety of sports including basketball, gymnastics, table-tennis and general health and fitness.

All children from Reception upwards have a weekly swimming lesson throughout the year in our heated, indoor swimming pool. There is a development swimming squad for pupils in Year 4 and above who have additional training sessions and take part in a number of local and national competitions with some notable successes in recent years.

We also run cross-country squads for older pupils and take part in local and regional events.

Sports Teams, Fixtures and Results

Information about all of our fixtures, including location of matches, team lists and results can be found here:

Access to the team information is for current parents only and is password protected. For password details please email the school reception


Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Register your place today