Girl with two plaits is using a colourful abacus to count
Boy wearing glasses, writing in his schoolbook with a black and yellow pencil
Older boy pupil with younger girl, both in the library reading a colourful book

Remote Learning Parent Survey

In January we asked parents to complete a short survey about our remote learning programme. The vast majority of responses were extremely positive and parents are pleased with the provision on offer. 91% of parents agreed (40% strongly agree) that they are being well supported by the school and over 80% agreed their sons are engaged; the timetable is right; work is easy to access and upload; and feedback is being received.

A number of parents did express understandable concerns about their sons’ well-being during lockdown generally and in particular the impact on them from being away from school and their friends. In addition to our regular discussions about boys during staff meetings, we have carried out an online survey with the boys, which we do every term, to see how they are coping. Where this identifies areas of concern we will, of course, be following this up. We also held a pupil council meeting at the start of February and as a result we are introducing virtual playgrounds for older boys and chat times for the younger boys so they can see each other informally.

However, none of this is a substitute for the boys being back in school and we do hope we are in a position to reopen to all boys as soon as possible.

Quotes From Parents:

Year 2

The Y2 teachers are very engaging and ensure each boy is contributing to the classes.

The school is doing an amazing job.

Year 3

I am happy with the amount of teaching my son has.  The teachers are putting in great effort and it is much appreciated.

A huge thank you to all the teaching staff, they have all been amazing. The timetable offering and quality of teaching has been excellent.

Year 4

We are so happy with the huge step up in remote learning, it’s a huge support to us as working parents in particular, no longer needing to lead their learning.

The teaching has been fantastic and it’s wonderful to hear the high level of enthusiasm of the teachers online. We are appreciative of all the efforts the staff are making to keep the standards high and the boys engaged.

Remote learning is a lot easier this time around, with more lessons online and so a daily structure that is easier to follow for the children. We can see it’s not easy for the teachers, and really appreciate their hard work and patience! So thank youI think the school is doing an incredible job supporting the boys and I am thankful every day!

I am overjoyed with the school’s provision. My son’s teacher is so so patient (amid questions from children that would test the patience of a saint – actually she is a saint) and helpful and excellent at teaching. So pleased with your wonderful school.

Year 5

Thank you for the support school is offering my son. We appreciate it.

We think the staff are all doing such a fantastic job, thank you ever so much for all your efforts.

Year 6

Congratulations to all staff for the very well thought out daily teaching schedule with appropriate interaction and engagement but also sufficient breaks from screen and not too much pressure for additional homework. I believe the balance struck with the online teaching this term is brilliant!

Thank you for all the time and effort put into the online learning. It is very well structured.

The Mall School continues to deliver a very high standard of homeschooling despite the very short notice of the latest lockdown. I also feel the school uniform policy from home has been very effective by encouraging the correct state of mind, setting and routine for learning at home. Thank you so much for your wonderful achievements during such unprecedented and challenging times.

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Register your place today