students getting involved in an activities day

Activities Day

11th October 19

Boys in Years 4 and above took part in our first Activities Day of the school year this week.

Year 4 had their thinking and problem solving skills challenged by The Problem Solving Company, who have created a unique selection of enlarged puzzles specifically for use by groups within school. Year 5 and Year 8 boys took part in a SmallpeiceTrust Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) projects. Year 5 were challenged to design and build a crash proof vehicle. Year 8’s activities tested their understanding of, and aptitude for, problem solving, creativity, design and engineering.

Year 6 boys enjoyed a street dancing workshop hosted by Clare Figgins. Starting with simple rhythms and basic dance steps, the boys then progressed to more challenging pieces finishing up with a performance of Thriller.


Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our Open Morning

Tuesday 24th September at 9.30am

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