22nd June 16
Brothers Max and Rhys were Headmasters for the Day on Tuesday after their parents bid for this activity in an MSA auction. They had a busy day meeting with various members of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss issues affecting the school. They met with Mrs Scott, Assistant Head (Pastoral), to talk about online safety; the Deputy Head, Mr Fair, to discuss how the minus system in the seniors could be improved and Mr Miller, Assistant Head (Academic) to consider the school’s homework policy.
They delivered an excellent assembly on racism and invited friends to their office for morning tea and had their own table for invited guests at lunchtime. In the afternoon they visited our boys at the pre-prep where they read to and listened to our youngest boys read. Finally they met with Mr Hurtley, the Bursar, to discuss their findings from a health and safety walk they had carried out in the morning.
Rhys said, ‘This is an experience I will never forget and the best thing that happened was reading to Year 1 and Reception’. Max said, ‘ Today was a mixture of experiences. I found that giving the assembly was the highlight and most importantly I found out how hard it was being Headmaster’.