Smiley schoolboys reading a book in a colourful classroom

Years 2 to Year 6

Life in Year 2                                      Life in Year 3

In Years 2 and 3 pupils are taught for most of their subjects by their class teacher, who will get to know them, and you, extremely well. Children are taught by subject rather than a topic based curriculum with specialist teaching in music, PE and French. From Year 2 pupils can start to learn to play a musical instrument and in Year 3 they compete against other schools in sports fixtures, and go on their first residential trip where they climb, abseil, try archery and complete team building activities. Pupils also start to take on more responsibility and in Year 3 can become monitors or junior house captains.

Life in Year 4                                     Life in Year 5

From Year 4, pupils have a form tutor who gets to know your child very well and is responsible for their pastoral care. Your child will grow in independence and confidence as they learn to organise themselves for lessons and find their way around the school – all skills they will need when they moves onto senior school.

In addition to preparing pupils socially for this move, they continue to be prepared academically with high quality teaching in all subjects. Pupils are set according to ability in English and Maths, in preparation for the senior school 11+ assessments, with the curriculum tailored to meet the needs of the individual child. We also continue to offer a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum which gives children the opportunity to be successful in a range of academic, creative and sporting activities. We believe if your child can be successful in one aspect of school life, this can have a positive impact on all areas of the curriculum.

Life in Year 6

The focus of Year 6 at The Mall is ensuring that all pupils perform to the best of their ability in the 11+ entrance examinations. Whether they are sitting for grammar school tests, independent senior school exams, having mock interview practice or preparing for scholarships, we are there to support them both academically and socially.

During form tutor time, children have the opportunity to explore ways to help them manage the exam process. We also hold workshops for parents to share their concerns and give advice on how to support their child.

Once the 11+ exams are over, Year 6 continue their studies as well as undertaking various projects and enjoying an extensive and stimulating leavers’ programme.

What parents say....

The smaller class sizes enable the teaching staff to get to know the boys very well and support and nurture them as needed.

Current parent summer 2022

My son has absolutely flourished in all areas from his time at the school in reception until his final year. He is so happy going to school every day and has made lifelong friends. The experience has been beyond our expectations.

Parent Survey December 2021

I think communication with the parents is spot on. I always feel well informed with what is happening at The Mall.

Parent Survey December 2021

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Register your place today