Computer use at school

Year 4 – Year 5

From Year 4, children have a form tutor who gets to know your child very well and is responsible for their pastoral care. Your child will grow in independence and confidence as they learns to organise themself for lessons and find their way around the school – all skills they will need when they moves onto their senior school.

In addition to preparing children socially for this move, they continue to be prepared academically with high quality teaching in all subjects. Pupils are set according to ability in English and Maths, in preparation for the senior school 11+ assessments, with the curriculum tailored to meet the needs of the individual child.

However, we also continue to offer a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum which gives children the opportunity to be successful in a range of academic, creative and sporting activities. We believe if your child can be successful in one aspect of school life, this can have a positive impact on all areas of the curriculum.

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our Open Morning

Tuesday 24th September at 9.30am

Register your place today.
