Students sat in the classroom

Future Schools

The Mall has an enviable track record in preparing boys for successful entry to senior schools in the highly competitive London market. Despite being non-selective at Reception, we are consistently getting boys into a range of highly academically selective senior schools including state grammar schools.

However, there is no such thing as the right school, only the right school for the individual boy. Not every boy is going to be highly academic and as a school we work with parents to identify the right school for him. We aim to prepare boys academically and socially so he can move on confidently at the age of 11 to his next school and where he will flourish.

To support you in this process the Headmaster meets all parents individually from Year 4 to discuss options for their sons and there are a series of future schools events where parents are informed about the process and what the school does to support them and their sons.  We also run an annual senior school fair in the spring term where parents can meet representatives from a range of schools.

The school subscribes to websites to help your son prepare for 11+ exams on paper and on screen. We encourage regular use of online revision to help support the boys with reading on screen and navigating computer systems similar to the ones used in 11+ exams. In the autumn term of Year 6 we arrange for every boy in the year group to have a practice school interview, in person and virtually. This is an encouraging and fun experience and helps the boys to prepare for the experience of senior school interviews.

The table below lists the destination schools for our leavers and details of any academic or non-academic scholarship awards.

11+ Offers, Destinations and Awards 2020

11+ Offers, Destinations  & Awards 2019

13+ Destinations 2020

13+ Destinations 2015-19






ACS Cobham 1
Brighton College 2 (2)
Charterhouse 1
Christ’s Hospital 1 1
Claremont 2 1
Eton 2 (1) 2
Halliford 1
Hampton 14 (4) 6 11 (3) 13 (7) 11 (2)
King’s College School 3 (1) 1 1 4 1
Kingston Grammar 1
Lord Wandsworth College 2
Marlborough College 1
Radnor House 1 4 1
Reed’s 6 (2)    5 (2) 3 3 (1)
Rugby 1 (1)
St George’s 3 1 2 4 1
St James’s 1 1 1 1
St Paul’s 4 (2) 2 (1) 4 (1) 1
Wellington 1 (1)
Westminster 1 1 1 1
(1) denotes number of scholarships awarded
What parents say....

The teaching is great and my son has made excellent progress. His senior school is perfect for him and we were well advised regarding application.

Parent Exit Survey 2019

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our Open Morning

Tuesday 24th September at 9.30am

Register your place today.
